Thursday, August 18, 2011

I'm going to get better at this.. I swear!

Seems I space off updating, but since I've posted three times this year, I figure I'm doing better than last year. And hey! I've TECHNICALLY posted three times in a little over a months. That's really good for me right? *grins*

My father was here for a week visiting from Kansas. It was nice to have him here. And Buddy, the big headed wonder dog fell in love. He got as close to the "man who scratches my head" and stuck to him like glue. Since he left, the dog is in mourning. He wanders up and down the hall, sits in front of the couch looking wistfully at the spot my father sat in, and then wanders again. Poor big headed puppy. Puppy hell, he's actually getting old enough that it's making me nervous. We have had him forever and I'm dreading "that" day. Hopefully he is one of those really long living dogs that seem to have a shelf life that doesn't expire.

I haven't mentioned it here yet.. but.. "Hi, my name is Carol and I'm a coupon addict." Ok. I've said it. I admit it. I'm not near as bad as that show on TLC. I can go weeks without doing a single shopping trip, but I damned sure don't miss my 4AM run to the paper machine come Sunday morning. You never know what you will miss out on if you do that! I've gotten behind on clipping and organizing with my Dad coming in, and my stuff is a mess! So I have to get that fixed in the next few days. I've made some fantastic hauls and have saved enough money to purchase a dishwasher with from the savings. And I've helped stock up my Sister, and mother in law on a bunch of stuff they need and use. So it has its rewards. I add this in to warn you.. at times I will be dancing around my blog with the giddy news that I saved $160 bucks on a store run. So if you are easily annoyed by a cheerful shopper.. you may want to skip those days. *winks*