Tuesday, June 26, 2007

We have a winner!!!

*Drum roll* We have a winner! Christine (Christine, please email me at williamandcarolhoward at yahoo dot com I can’t access your email myself) won with 14 votes for:

I've cried, I've soiled myself, I've finished my strained carrots, and I've given the passifier a try. May I see your boobies, now?

Great Job Christine! Thank you to all who entered, all who voted and all who stopped in! New contest will start tomorrow! It will be a bit different and a different prize… very exciting! LoL

I put my first experiment with coupons to the test today. First I made out my shopping list and then I grabbed the sales papers and sat down with my list to compare it. I found quite a few things on my list at Food City with buy one get one free deals on them. On top of that, I had coupons. So, I marked those items and then grabbed my purse, heading for town. I went to Food City and because I forgot to do it at home, I separated my coupons that I intended to use there and got them handy. I only bought the items on my list and price compared to see if a less name brand was cheaper than the item in question with the coupon. I didn’t want to buy a box of say, Jiffy Pop with a $1 coupon if the Value Time was cheaper anyway. I made my purchases there and then drove over to Save A Lot where I knew some of the items I needed were cheaper. I had coupons for those items also. I wound up purchasing about a total of $100 worth of groceries for $61!! I consider it a success and plan on doing my major shopping the same way on Friday. Hell, I wouldn’t walk past $39 lying on the ground, would you? In order to obtain this kind of savings I have invested about an hours time clipping coupons, $3 for newspapers to get the coupons and about a half hours time in synchronizing my list to the sales paper. Not bad if you ask me. As I sit here and eat a GoGurt out of the pack that cost me 30 cents a box (normally 2.49, on sale and had a coupoooon), I think that I’m on to something here!

The hits just keeping coming with the Google search thing. Now, now I am being found with the keywords “housewife porno”. ROTFLMSO! Can you imagine the surprise when they click the link and find me… with all my clothes on! Poor guy, sorry bout that, still no boobies!

This weekend is going to be very interesting indeed. We get to crawl under my house and clear all the old junk out from the people that owned our house before we bought it. Bill is going to hand pieces of insulation up to his Dad and he is going to lay it in the attic while we take care of the crawlspace of death. I am terrified to think of how many of those beastly spiders with the monstrously large numbers of babies on its back will be under there. *shiver* But, it has to be done. I am positive at some point I will be face to face with some kind of snake and am also equally positive that the cat will scare the shit out of me again. Fun abounds people!

I am trying to grow my hair out and let’s just say that it is driving me insane! It is in that stage where it is too short to pull up and too long to curl into the style it is supposed to be in. I am so on the verge of going GI Jane on it! I have dreams of a pony tail to keep me from grabbing the clippers though.

Kitty pictures!!!

Picture 032

It's hard to see where one ends and the next begins!

Picture 027

"If you touch my food I will rip your arm off and beat you with it! Try me lady!"

Picture 024

"Come on, I know they are in there, lemme in huh? I promise I will be good, just lemme in"

See what I had to do to get in there, rip the floorboard up which shows that nasty old tile that was hidden from mind and sight, pulling the pannelling off and making my bathroom look like shit! God, you can tell I love me some kittens! Well, and I didn't want the bugs to come.. THE BUGS! Ok, I'm alright... I promise! *twitch, twitch*

Picture 007

Spooning to the fifth power!

Picture 004

"Who won? Christine did? Yay!!"

Picture 005

"Take one more picture lady and you are dead!"


Christine said...

Wooooo! I won the bracelet!

The coupon thing does sound like a good idea. I always clip, and then drive around with the coupons forever, and forget I have them, and throw them out after they've expired. But I am impressed by the people who use coupons properly, instead of as purse insulation.

Anonymous said...

I'm a little jealous about this coupon thing. I want to save $39!

Also, the kittehs are too cute! TOO CUTE!

AndreAnna said...

She was my vote too! Good job! I was too busy being sleep deprived from MOLARS to come up with anything witty. My poor kid will one day read my blog and be like "I hate you mom. You madefun of me all the time" LOL. I digress. Anyway, yay!