Friday, September 28, 2007

Profanity Abounds!

Warning: The language in this entry may offend


I just had to get my rating above a PG status, cause that is just LAME!

The week has been as bad as I thought it would. I haven’t been able to sleep past 5AM… Five in the morning people. That is just ridiculous. I have been getting up and getting the kids off to school, then getting dressed and heading outside. We have cleaned up the yard, dug a footer, mixed a metric ton of concrete which entails carrying ten assloads of sand, rock and mortar mix, dumping it all into a wheelbarrow and then mixing it like a giant batch of cake batter . Then we have poured the footer full of concrete mix (really you would be surprised at how much concrete mix that takes.. It is fucking ridiculous) And moved a shitpot of concrete blocks. Tomorrow we start ‘laying block’. I. Am. So. Excited. Can you tell? I have taken some pictures of our predicament and will post them at the end of this entry. Let’s just suffice it to say that it is a fucking miracle that my house has not broken in half and slid down the hill into the river. Twigs I tell you… and Rotted Twigs to boot. I must have been a mass murderer of priests in my past life.. Cause the God’s of karma really have a great time shitting on me. If I had know then what I know now, we would have bulldozed this house and built a new one. It would have been cheaper and easier than fixing up this raggedy piece of shit. Fucking TWIGS.

I am taking up Robyn’s call to action and bringing the ‘Hubba Hubba’ back.
True story. While we were living in Germany I took Joe to the Commissary on a grocery shopping trip. As we were going down the aisle, my then two year old son was trying to cajole cookies and cakes, raisins and cereal full of sugar out of me in a non-stop flow of whining and begging. I studiously ignored him while I selected the meats that would keep the carnivores in my house from killing and eating each other. As we rounded the corner into what I now call “Diaper Hell” Joe caught site of a woman that was selecting (if I remember correctly) a box of diaper wipes and was in mid ‘stretch’ to get them off of a high shelf. My sons incessant begging ceased with a screeching halt as he took in the woman and how she was dressed, the Daisy Duke shorts and halter top apparently impressed him and he said very loudly “HUBBA HUBBA!”.
I immediately backed up and beat a hasty retreat while cursing the ground his father walked on and holding the shopping cart handle with white knuckles. I was unsure whether to laugh or jump into the gaping hole that had opened up to swallow my embarrassed ass. Hubba Hubba!!

New TV Show’s Review’s:

Bionic Woman: If the show stays as good as the first episode then I would say that this one will be one of the best shows of the season. I do not see this one being cancelled any time soon and I think I will settle in to watch it. My only issue is that it conflicts with another two shows that I DVR so it Is going to make me have to make some choices. Blech!

Cane: The Sopranos of the Sugar industry. This show started a bit slow for me but overall it seems good. Bill really liked it, which says a whole lot in itself.

Journeyman: I have this one DVR’d and haven’t watched it yet. Bill watched it though and said he didn’t like it, but Robyn and a few others over at said they thought it was great so I am going to give it the good old fashion College try.

Moonlight: I have this one DVR’d also but caught bits and pieces of it. If it is supposed to replace Buffy or Angel they are in trouble from what I saw. I will try to watch the whole thing tonight though.

Life: This one seems Ok. I’m still on the fence. The guy gets out of prison, wins a suit for tons of money and then goes back to work for the police department after being wrongly convicted. Ummm eh? I am not in line with the concept of it I guess and his neurosis just drives me batty. I’m going to try another episode to see If it was just opening show issues.

Kid Nation: The show is good, the content good, challenges are cool, but the whole time I am watching this show I am thinking “who sent their child to do this at 8 years old?” Joe will be ten this week and I cannot imagine letting him go do something like that. When that little boy said “I just think I am too young to do something like this” I wanted to reach through the TV and give him a great big hug. Poor baby!

K-Ville: I started watching this one and all I have to say Is that after a few minutes I totally lost interest in it and cannot remember a thing that happened on it.

Chuck: This one is quite funny and one of the better comedy shows out there. A guy working for “Nerd Squad” (I think that was the name) gets all of the secrets of the government downloaded into his brain. How he deals with the situation is funny and his best friend is a hilarious sidekick. I guffawed within the first two minutes… a good sign.

Reaper: This is a new show on the CW. It is about a boy who upon turning 21 finds out that his parents sold his soul to the devil before he was born. He has to serve the devil by catching runaway souls and sending them back to hell. I thought it was a great show and full of comedy. I’ll keep watching it.

I have been watching the new season of Meerkat Manor and while I love the show I just don’t know if I can watch it anymore. I get too friggin emotional. It seems like every week one of the babies is eaten by a Gawzhawk thingy or something and tonight’s episode just did me in. I sat there and bawled like a little bitch. It was the saddest thing I have ever seen. I am simply too damned emotional to watch that show. As I lay with my head on Bill’s chest sobbing I asked him what in the hell was wrong with me that I was grieving so hard over an animal that I have never seen in person?

CSI, NCIS, Law and Order SVU and the Unit started back up and did not let me down and I really am looking forward to Sunday for the start of Dexter! Those are my usual shows with a few others thrown in the mix. I try to watch the new ones at least once or twice to see if I will find a new one to stick with. However, after falling in lurve with Conviction and having it cancelled out from under me after one short season, I usually get pissed. The ones I wind up liking are usually the ones that don’t make the cut.

Tomorrow is an early, early day (6am breakfast will be served) and then we start laying the block and fixing the foundation. It will be a day filled with hard work, heavy lifting and lots of run ins with nasty, hairy spiders. I am so excited. Someone save me!

Picture 004

This is what is holding my kitchen up. Now, those there concrete blocks that are next to it? Those weren't there. We stacked those under it so that it wouldn't fall while we do the permanent blocking. Twig!

Picture 002

Yep, those are blocks of wood. Go figure. At least there are a couple more on this side than the other. However, you see that wood that is above the flag that fell off the wall? That there wood is rotted from the water that would accumulate on my porch. Yes, the porch that we had to rip off. Yes, the same porch that I just pressure washed and refinished.

Picture 006

And this is my hallway flooring. See what is going on there? That there is a crack that runs the length of my hallway floor. Not to mention the giant hump that runs through it. Oh and the fact that everything is kind of downhill.


Anonymous said...

Oh man...good luck with the house!

Carol H said...

Thanks Karly! I think I'm gonna need it! Seriously!

AndreAnna said...

I reluctantly watched Journeyman and have to say, it was better than I thought it would be. And Chuck works for the "nerd herd." LOL

You and your DIY!! I'd have hired someone years ago - way to go!

Carol H said...

Ade (I'm gonna use it until I get yelled at have have your shoe strings hanging from my lips) I would totally LOVE to hire someone, but sadly we just can't afford it. We just started getting full VA so we are on an even playing field but not that even. (Thanks Army assholes!) But you know, seriously, it is kind of rewarding to accomplish so much and know that we did it. The work we have done amazes me. And what's even more amazing is it is mostly the kids and me and Bill's mom. Bill is a great supervisor but he can't do a lot so we do all the heavy lifting and nailing and pulling and... you get the point LOL