Thursday, September 20, 2007

Shit a Bucket

Said by my nephew today: "Eyeee unna sheet buuckeee"
Me: "Beck!? Did that boy just say 'I just shit a bucket?'????"
Beck: (laughing uncontrollably) "No, he said 'I wanna see Buddy'"
Me: "Well thank God, cause if that was what he had said, I was fully prepared to run as fast as I could out of this holler!"
(That kid loves my big headed wonder dog.)

The last few days have been a flurry of moving, setting things, hanging curtains, and generally getting my In-laws settled into their new home. The only thing left is to finish the final touches, unpack the kitchen and move the bed. We are waiting for the cable man to come before we move the bed and they spend their first night in the house, cause good God noone can live without cable these days and my FIL will die without CNN! I can tell you one thing, when I bought that bedroom set that I wound up giving them, I think that I walked in and asked the salesperson to find the heaviest piece of furniture that man has ever made and then to install some extra hidden weight in it for good measure. Damn that shit is heavy! Gorgeous, but HEAVY. We have been putting in about twelve or fourteen hours a day for three or four days to get things done. After the final electrical inspection we were able to start putting in cabinets and hanging curtain rods, putting in the washer and dryer and all that. It's killing us but it is all working out to be one gorgeous house. Well worth the work! If the cable man comes tomorrow, the bed will go over Saturday, if he doesn't come until Monday, then it will be Monday. They are really looking forward to it and I am so very happy for them! On the fifth of October it will be six months to the day that their house burned down with all of their possessions inside. They have a brand new home, built from the ground up and complete except for living room carpeting and all done within six months. To me, that is just amazing. Especially when you think that there has been not one contractor or worker over there. All family. Amazing!

Stealing a Meme and cheating my way into a longer entry cause shit, I am tired and needing to lay down and my brain cells? They are no longer functioning.

1. Where were you 1 hour ago? On my way home from Lowe's. I had to go exchange my MIL's kitchen rack thingy cause it was the wrong color. And of course what trip to Lowe's would be complete without some kind of drama. They couldn't find it until I spotted it hiding out under a pile of a bazillion other things, way close to the ceiling. Blech.

2. Who will your next kiss be with? Bill of course!

3. Do you kiss a lot of people? Well, lets see... My niece and nephew, the kids, Bill of course, I kissed my FIL on the cheek earlier and air kissed Mommy... so I guess I am a kiss-whore.

4. Are you wearing socks right now? Yeppers.

5. When was the last time you went out of state? September 8th, 2005 We were in Kansas getting ready to move here.

6. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? Nope, but Joe is insisting I take him to see the new Resident Evil movie... and SOON. (Cause heaven forbid that he isn't able to see a zombie picture)

7. What was the last thing you had to drink? Mountain Dew

8. What are you wearing right now? Jeans and a t-shirt

9. What was your last purchase? A bakers rack of sorts

10. Last food you ate? One of those Oreo 100 cal cookie packs

11. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Phone? Ohhhh, you mean that thing platered to my daughter's ear? No idea.

12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? Nope.

13. Do you have a pet? Maybe a few.

14. What’s the last sporting event you watched? A UFC fight.

15. Are you a pirate?What the hell kind of question is this?

16. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? Asleep. (yawn)

17. What is the last thing you purchased online? It's been so long that I forget.

18. One thing you hate about yourself? So many things, so little time. Always late, procrastionation, etc.... etc...

19. What’s your favorite soup? Chicken Noodle

20. Do you miss anyone? My best friend Kim from Kansas

21. Last play you saw? Play? Eh?

22. What are your plans for the day? Sleeeep. Well after watching the DVR'd episode of Survivor's premiere.

24. Ever go to camp? Yep, I went to a church camp when I was little. I don't remember much about it.

25. Were you an honor roll student in school? Me? Damn, that made me laugh so hard I spit soda out of my nose.

26. What do you know about the future? That tomorrow I will have to wake up way to early.

27. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? Yeppers, Poison.

28. How is one to classify?I don't get this one... huh?

29. Do you have a tan? Nope, I am clear, glow in the dark.. you can see my veins.

30. How old do you want to be when you have kids?I was 17. Way too damn young to have a clue what I was in store for!!

31. Last person who made you cry? Bill... sometimes he can be an ass as well as most of the times being a sweetheart.

1 comment:

Christine said...

I stole your stolen meme, and linked to your blog in my blog.