Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Pictures and new contest! Woohoo!

Post from earlier today is Here or in the archives for today. I'm long winded and bored today!

Picture 004

My laptop is a bastard!

Picture 021

*Wahhhh* My cornbread fell apart! I went to drop it out of the cast iron skillet and it separated from the bottom and fell apart. And before you suggest that I should have greased the pan... I did, apparently just not good enough.

Picture 019

OK (outside kitty) is Maxin and Relaxin

Picture 033

Inside Kitten one: "I is sowwy that I pooped on you leg lady"

Picture 034

IK number two: "Is that you or me?"

Picture 039

IK number 3: "Argggg ye be bodderin me lady"

Picture 045

IK number 4: "Are you makin fun of my hair?"
I know this one we will be keeping, look at that fuzzy head, those little eyes.. looks like a little bear cub! Awwww!

Picture 041

IK number 5: "You can't seeeee me!"


Aimee said...

oh my goodness they are sweet.
Send me one! :D

Carol H said...

Well hello there Aimee... *cough* Where bouts do you live? I will um drop off one (or five) to you in about four weeks. :0)

Tracey said...

*dropping in via Crystal's blog*

The kittens are absolutely adorable! If I didn't have a couple of fuzzies already I'd snitch one from you when it was old enough! :)